Our mission.

Datero is a competence center that offers solutions to facilitate learning problems.
Do you or a family member have challenges with reading, writing, or concentration that affect learning? Is the use of mobile devices difficult due to functional limitations? Support is available and it’s even free of charge. Individuals and families can find information and instructions on our website in Finnish and Swedish to support learning. In addition to online services, we also provide guidance. Individual guidance is also provided in English. If you want guidance, please contact our special education teacher Sara Johansson at sara.johansson@datero.fi. For other questions please contact Datero’s executive director Sonja Haga-Erickson at sonja.haga-erickson@datero.fi

Datero is a non-governmental organization that receives funding from www.stea.fi.

Meaningful and easy with digital tools

  • for study, work and leisure
  • guidance, courses and information


Oppimisvaikeuksien kokemusasiantuntija on henkilö, jonka asiantuntijuus kumpuaa omista kokemuksista. Kokemuspuhuja voi tulla oppilaitokseen, vanhempainiltaan, työpaikalle tai ammattihenkilöstön kokoukseen kertomaan oman näkemyksensä esimerkiksi tuen tarpeesta ja toteutumismuodoista.